From the moment that Jesus called his first disciples, he began to help them understand what it meant to follow him. With the help of some of the words spoken directly by Jesus to his followers, we’ll explore what it means for us to follow him to. Holding nothing back.

Welcome to the place where you’ll find all you need to know about this exciting teaching series we’re following on Sundays.

Click on the guide opposite and you’ll get all the background info on what it is, and why we think it’s important for all of us to be reminded of what it truly means to have a heart to follow.

The series will be supplemented in our Life groups through the study of Francis Chan’s powerful book Crazy Love.

If you’re not yet in one of our many Life groups and would like to join one, you can pop on over to our Life groups page here, to find out how.

Our prayer through this series is that through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, we’ll rediscover what it means to follow Jesus in our hearts as well as in our heads. We’ll know it internally and externally. We’ll know what it means to follow with our whole lives, holding nothing back.

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Each week’s message will be added here as it become available