Coronavirus: previous updates
13 March 2020 @ 4.30pm
You will have heard that the Government has now moved from the containment phase to one of delay in its response to the virus. This is an acknowledgement that we anticipate the number of cases to escalate significantly and that we expect this virus to be with us for many months.
Following this move, church leaders have met to update our response, which is three-fold.
Our greatest concern is for the health of our church family and the wider community. This means we want you to:
a. Stay at home and self-isolate if you have coronavirus symptoms
Stay at home for 7 days if you have either:
- A high temperature
- A new, continuous cough
b. Continue doing all you can to avoid catching or spreading coronavirus
- Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
- Always wash your hands when you get home or into work
- Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
- Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
- Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
- Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
c. Stay at home if you feel at all uncomfortable about coming out to church and any related activities.
More information can be found at:
From this Sunday – 15 March 2020 – we will revert to one service beginning at 10.30am. This is predominantly to take account of anticipated lower attendance, and to reduce the amount of time that those ‘serving’ will be in the close proximity of others.
NPBC intends to remain open until instructed to do otherwise. However, it may well be that we have to develop new ways of meeting together, in particular adapting to increased use of technology. This will not be an easy transition, but there will be many of our church family working hard to make this happen. We will keep you updated as the situation progresses.
We are in the process of initiating increased communication during this period, so that we can ensure all members of our church family are looked after. This will be delivered through Life groups and our existing pastoral care teams.
With the postponement of our Bethany lunch club at this time, we are putting special arrangements in place to ensure our older generations are cared for.
More details will follow on this. In the meantime:
We encourage all members to make an extra effort to keep in touch with all those around them who might be vulnerable, isolated, anxious or simply in need of some shopping, at this time.
If you have capacity to offer additional help for those in need at this time, even if only in making telephone calls, please let the church office know on 01908 618898 or email at
If you have chosen to stay at home and are in need of anything, including prayer, please do not hesitate to let the church office know.
These are unprecedented times and we continue to trust God for his healing, help and hope for all those affected by the Coronavirus in the UK and around the world.
With love and prayers,
Steve, Minister
Coronavirus - advice for the NPBC church family
11 March 2020
The situation regarding Coronavirus, COVID-19 continues to change every day and our trustees are committed to keeping you updated as to how we are responding.
First and foremost, we will continue to follow Government advice, seeking to take any necessary actions whilst not heightening any sense of panic.
As there is no current advice about people gathering together, our meetings and/or church services do not have to be cancelled. We have, however, instructed the leaders of the different groups and activities we run, that they should continue to consider the risks associated with their particular groups, especially concerning the elderly. If they feel it is not appropriate to meet, they may decide to postpone the activity concerned and will notify directly, those affected.
Simultaneously, for all individuals, whether at group meetings or not, we want to encourage you to follow best-hygiene practices.
- Carry tissues and use them to catch coughs and sneezes, then binning the tissue
- Wash hands with soap and water (for 20 seconds) or using sanitiser gel to kill germs
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
- If you feel unwell, stay home
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and services
To help enable this, additional signage has been placed up around the church building, additional hand sanitisers are in place, and frequently touched objects are being regularly cleaned and disinfected.
We will also be making some changes to our sharing in communion on the relevant Sunday mornings, to ensure best hygiene practice.
If you have any specific questions, please contact the church office in the first instance. More information and advice can also be found on the Baptists Together website
In the midst of all this, it is important that we also come before God to pray for the situation and, in particular, to pray for our sisters and brothers around the world who have been, and are continuing to be, affected by COVID-19. We pray that we will all know God’s overwhelming, steadfast love.
We will, of course, keep you updated as the situation unfolds.
Thank you for your co-operation and support.