Discerning God’s Heart for our building redevelopment - March-July 2022

Over the life of NPBC, and particularly in the last 2-3 years, we have seen God respond time and again when we have sought his heart on a particular issue. The building project has already been a journey lasting around 10 years, and there’s little doubt that, along the way, it’s become about so much more than a building. As the project has progressed, we’ve learnt more of what it means to be God’s people in this place, following his call on our lives the best we can.

The delay caused by the pandemic and a particular issue with the specific plans for Phase 1 and 2 has left us with an opportunity. As a result, we felt it was the right moment to pause and to reconsider the possibility of building of Phase 1 and 2 together.

It’s an opportunity that would enable us to accelerate our vision to further grow our ministry to children and young people, benefitting both the church family and community. However, it would come at the cost of us being willing to invest into the future, trusting God to see his plans come to fruition.

An initial capital appeal in March/April saw an incredible £387,000 gifted by members of the church across just 6 weeks. We remain incredibly thankful to God for his provision in this way.

However, as the video below outlines, we’re not sure that God’s done with us yet and so we’re asking our church family to return to him once more, and to pray over how they should respond.

Then, on 18 July 2022 we’ll come together as a church family and make the final decision as to the phasing of the project.


If you would like to speak to someone confidentially about your financial support for the project, or if you have any other questions, please submit your details here and one of our designated team members will contact you.